Yard House Restaurant – Long Beach, California

categories: Southern California


I was invited to the Yard House restaurant as their guest while I was down here in Long Beach. The Yard House restaurant boasts the “world’s largest selection of draft beers” with 180 different beers available. Is this a bad time to admit I never liked the taste of beer? Well, at least that made the ordering more simple for me.

Even if the Yard House just served one beer and burgers it might still be a popular place because of is location at Long Beach’s Shoreline village, right next to the marina.


I chose to eat outside to enjoy the wonderful view and the great people watching. On a late Spring evening I was missing that coat I left behind at home even with the heaters outside.

The Yard House was packed as they were hosting two different fundraisers this evening: Tip A CHiP to benefit the CHP and the Special Olympics. One stranger came up to me and told me he had just donated $100. I didn’t have the heart to tell him that I didn’t even know which charity he was talking about. “That’s great!” seemed a more appropriate response.

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My waitress, Amanda, said her favorite dish is the Orange Chicken. Reviews that I had read bragged about the steak or the seafood but I always like trying the recommendations of the wait staff so I ordered the chicken. After all, Amanda has never steered me wrong yet. The chicken was tangy and just a little bit spicy. Amanda was right.

Amanda was batting better than the Dodgers that were featured on the TV screens inside. I thought briefly about asking them to turn to the Giants game but thought better of it. One should always appreciate the local culture… although it is not necessary to exchange your core beliefs.

Check out more travel food posts at Wanderfood Wednesday

Chris Christensen

by Chris Christensen

Chris Christensen is the creator of the Amateur Traveler blog and podcast. He has been a travel creator since 2005 and has won numerous awards including being named the "Best Independent Travel Journalist" by Travel+Leisure Magazine. He move to California in 1964.

2 Responses to “Yard House Restaurant – Long Beach, California”



Oh wow! The view is so beautiful and that meal looks delcious 🙂

Nancie (Ladyexpat)


That looks delicious. I like the view too.

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